Time for a Celebration! 15

Mona Pendleton | July 18, 2009 @ 3:09 PM |

Time for a Celebration!

Hi Cyber Girlfriends! Just a quickie - I will be back later with more details so for now, I just wanted to thank all of you for your thoughtful, kind comments & support with my blog :) In celebration of my recent recognitions & reaching over 100 followers, I would to like share some blog treats with you! I have to run for now, so please check back later! Be Sweet!My entry for the Color Inspiration #56 at KWerner's design blog. Thanks for looking! :)

Ingredients Used:

Paper: SU Certainly Celery, So Saffron, Ballet Blue, Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Whisper White

Ink: SU Certainly Celery, So Saffron, Ballet Blue, Real Red, Pumpkin Pie, Chocolate Chip

Stamps: PTI Everyday Classics, Simple Little Things

Sprinkles: Offray ribbon, SU oval punch & embossing brass template, Jo-Ann Crafts hardware

post signature


15 Sweet Comments So Far:

AimeeOh said...

Great card, love the colors! This is one of 1st cupcake cards I've seen from you! And you are the Cupcake Queen! Will have to check back later to find out about your "secret"!

clouds shadler said...

oh, so so cute! what adorable cup cakes!

Clouds :D

Julie Ranae said...

Today has been a quite posting day for the blogs I follow, so glad to see you're there. That card is absolutely adorable. Can't wait to see more!

Winter said...

Very cute! Love the cupcakes!

Lucy said...

Love this card! Cutest cupcakes on earth!

Heidi said...

This care is so cute! You did an excellent job with the colors! Always so very pretty and well presented! What's the "secret" we are waiting for?

Madeline said...

It is nice very you have made 102 followers! Your designs make pretty! This is because why we come back often too! Tres Jolie! I am happy you!

Sue Lelli said...

Gotta love the cuke cupcakes!

Constance said...

Great cupcakes! Yes, lets begin the celebration! I'm curious what you might have up your cyber-sleeve... I'll keep checking back!

PaperMomma said...

Yum Yum, I can just taste those delicious cupcakes! This card is sooooo cute! Another winner!

Christy Haverhill said...

Congratulations on being honored by PTI! That project was just beautiful! I also love this cupcake card as well! Just plain cute!

Julie Ranae said...

Thanks for the well-wishes for my daughter...when you left your last comment, I was in the process of the editing the post, so you may have missed that I am going to be announcing something fun later today...hope you will check back...In the meantime, we are all on pins and needles awaiting the finish of your post from last evening! Can't you tell?! : )

Diana Gibbs said...

Hi Mona,
OMG! Your blog is awesome, and you sure are talented to boot! Your friend Shana nominated you for a blog award, and you can pick it up here. http://dianagibbs.typepad.com/stampin_with_di/2009/07/calendar-chitchat-and-blog-awards.html

Congratulations, and keep up the great work!


Trisha said...

Tooooooo cute! Yummy! I love the way you arranged the cute cupcakes! I wish I could buy your cards!

Sierra said...

Yum, love your cupcakes! I must get that stamp!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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