And The Winner Is... 3

Mona Pendleton | July 23, 2009 @ 6:30 PM |

And The Winner Is...

Nancy L.

Nancy L.'s comment was #25 which was the # selected by Random.Org

Congratulations Nancy L.! Please e-mail me your mailing address no later than Sunday, July 26th 9 pm MST, so I can mail the goodies to you!

Thanks girls for all your sweet comments & support with my blog! Having a lil' gift give away was sooo much fun :) If I am fortunate enough to reach another milestone, I feel as though that would be reason enough for me to celebrate with you girls again! So, maybe next time :) I looove papercrafting and I am so thrilled to share what I enjoy doing with all of you girls! :)
  • Coming this Saturday, July 25th starting at 8pm EST, I will be participating in my first Papertrey Ink Blog Hop! Please come visit me & other fellow stampers for 3 hrs of fun & inspiration! :) I am a newbie at this sort of thing but it sounds like a boat load of fun! If you're interested in actively posting visit PTI for complete details.
  • Be Sweet!

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    3 Sweet Comments So Far:

    Julie Ranae said...

    Congratulations on the PTI hop, Mona. You are a great fit for them and I think you will enjoy it!
    Look forward to being a part of the fun.

    Sensible said...

    Thanks for the info about the PTI Blog Hop! I'll be sure to check it out! Too bad I didn't win! Anytime you want to give away some of your beautiful cards, count me in!

    Nancy L. said...

    Thanks Mona for the Blog candy!
    I've been wanting to join the hop but never have! I'll def come back to see your entry!

    Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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