Thank You Tag 19

Mona Pendleton | July 26, 2009 @ 3:54 PM |

Thank You Tag

Hi Girlies! I was so excited when I woke up this morning & read in an e-mail that my Thank You card was chosen as Card Of The Week at 2Sketches4You!!!!! Yippeee Skippeee! :) Thank You Kazan, Laura & all the talented Design Team girls at 2Sketches4You!!! If you girls are looking for either amazing inspiration or challenging sketches to create with, I recommend visiting 2Sketches4You! Week after week, these girls have beautiful samples to gaze at, as well as all the participants submissions! I made this tag to coordinate with that card, but finished it too late for the post!

Ingredients Used:

Paper: SU Pretty in Pink, Really Rust, Not Quite Navy, Whisper White

Ink: SU Pretty in Pink, Really Rust

Stamps: PTI Flourishes, Simple Little Things, Everyday Classics

Sprinkles: Spellbinders Scalloped Circle & Circle Nesties, EK Success punches, Jo-Ann Crafts buttons, Offray ribbon, PTI twine

Check out this rainbow that my DH snapped a photo of last evening from our patio!!! While I was having fun with the PTI blog hopping, there was a Monsoon happening!!! It was quite an amazing lightning / rain storm!!!

Thanks for looking! Be Sweet!

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19 Sweet Comments So Far:

Julie Ranae said...

So my really need to participate in my little tag swap. It's so easy and your tags are so stunning...just a thought....

Jen Johnson said...

Beautiful Tag! That rainbow is pretty cool too! Thanks!

Mary Chen said...

This tag is the perfect compliment to the card you posted earlier! Very beautiful and cheery!

Heidi said...

Love your tag. So cute! You should do a whole series of them; make it your trademark! Aussies love to tag stuff!

Heidi said...

Oh and what an amazing rainbow! How was it photographed? It's surreal!

Mirna said...

Nice tag, it does perfectly compliment your card! I never thought a simple tag could be so interesting. I guess that's what happens in the CupCakesCreations studio!

Julie said...

Beautiful tag and awesome rainbow! I love the flower and button combination! Thanks for sharing both! Was it raining on that mountain?

KathyO said...

Really nice looking tag! So cute! Also, that rainbow is so surreal! Great photography all around!

Carol Reisner said...

I love this cute tag and congrats on your 2S4Y recognition! All your designs are incredible!

Ashley said...

Wow, what a beautiful picture of the rainbow. I thought there was no water in the desert? :)
I love your little tag. It's just plain and simple cute! Your flowers are always outstanding!

Kerry said...

I love how you took the rose stamp and made it 3D with the addition of the paper flower and button. Pure genious! You really are amazing!
That rainbow is beautiful!

Mary Reidel said...

Love this tag and those flowers with the perfect layering!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! I really appreciate all the nice words you girls leave for me :) My DH is my photographer & the rainbow picture was simply taken with our Canon High Speed / high definitiion camera. :) Hugs, Mona

JGoedes said...

Beautiful tag and beautiful rainbow to go with it! Wow, those flowers are so cute!

Brenda said...

I really really love your beautiful tags! So very pretty! What a great mix of die cuts and stamping.

Yolanda said...

Wow, that rainbow is really pretty! Great photography! Your tag is just darling! You really make the best tags (and everything else). I love checking out your latest creations. It's usually the highlight of my day! Thanks!

Constance said...

Terrific Tag! You did an outstanding job with the flowers and button combo. It compliments your prior card perfectly. Design perfection!
Also, that's and amazing rainbow! In the desert? Wow!

Trisha said...

Great tag, Mona! I love these soooo much! I have to get crackin' and make something using your cool flower design! I get my best inspiration from your designs! Thank you so much!

Sierra said...

Great tag, Mona. Your tags are always beautiful just like your cards! I have gotten so many great new ideas from visiting your blog. Thank you soooooooooo much!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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