Reality Check! 16

Mona Pendleton | July 8, 2009 @ 9:45 PM |

Reality Check!

Hi Girls! My DH & I took the "red-eye" flight home last night from Maui to Phoenix. :( I spent the day doing hum-drum chores - dragging my dear sister, Tina around town with me! One exciting thing on my to-do list was to replace my broken Sidekick, making good use of that 50% off coupon :) I was a happy lil' scrapper, skippin' out of Michael's with my new toy :) Life was good! I started to back out of the parking lot, to continue on with my endless list when my unfortunate event occurred! :( While in Reverse, my car just suddenly stopped. The engine continued to run, (Thank Goodness because it was a toasty 101 degrees outside). My car would not engage in Drive, Reverse or Neutral! The shifter was stuck in Park in the middle of the main entrance into the shopping plaza! While waiting over 1 hr for a tow truck, Tina & I visited with the A/C in overdrive :) My car has some fancy electrical work so when the tow truck driver arrived, he did not know how to release the gears! Ugh!!! I made several SOS phone calls to the dealership requesting help but noone seemed to know the magical trick! After another 1 hr of phone calls, Tina & I read the manual. Success!!! :) After dropping my car off at the dealer & picking up a loaner, our adventures continued :)

I wish I was back on that magical Hawaiian island with my DH, relaxing on a pool-side chair under an umbrella, sipping a phoo-phoo drink, with my biggest concern being making a choice on what restaurant to eat dinner at :) This has been my first Reality Check upon arrival from vacation!

Here are a few more vacation photos that I wanted to share with you girls... I hope you enjoy them!

These are the 7 Sacred Pools located in Hana. To see them you have to drive "The Road to Hana" which is a dangerous curvy drive with over 600 turns and 54 bridges. A must do once in a lifetime drive but BEWARE, motion sickness is quite common to say the least! :(

My DH & I at the point where the 7 Sacred Pools meet the ocean! AMAZING!

The two of us parasailing in Kaanapali! What a thrill ride & incredible view!

This is the 2 mile path that winds along the ocean starting at our resort that we ran everyday :) The shorter white buildings in the background is the resort we stayed at, The Fairmont Kea Lani. Extremely friendly staff, gorgeous grounds & views.

These are the lava fields on Maui. Makes me think of the moon's surface. Really cool!

This is The Hali'imailie General Store. One of our favorite restaurants located in Upcountry. They serve the BEST Mangoritas! :)

These two photos of the Hibiscus were taken with my DH's iPhone 3GS while on one of our strolls! It had just finished storming - check out the rain drops on the flowers :)

Gorgeous Maui sunset photos taken from our hotel. Wild color schemes!!!

Please share your thoughts with me & let me know what you think of these pics. Hope to hear from you. Be Sweet!

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16 Sweet Comments So Far: said...

Wow, those photos are spec-tac-u-lar!!! I can just imagine the scrapbook! I can't wait to go and see it for myself! That sucks about the car, I could just "feel" your pain! One year after a terrible vacation (my 80 year old mother came with us and got REALLY sick, and we spent time in the ER instead of Tower of Terror at Disney, and we had to cut our vacation short and go home...and then found out the dog had swallowed a sewing needle and had to have emergency $1,500 surgery...that sucked! Well, too bad you lost that happy island peace...but you'll always have the photos and happy memories!

Julie Ranae said...

When I read the title of your post, I just knew something had gone wrong so soon after your return. So very glad you were able to get back home safely.
Looking forward to seeing what you have in store for us next...Fab photos!
Julie Ranae

PaperMomma said...

Wow! Awesome pictures, Mona! Glad you got back safely! Looks so beautiful there! Thanks for sharing!

HawaiiRenee said...

Mona, your pictures are just marvelous! So professional looking. How did you get a picture of the pools without thousands of tourists in them? I'm so glad you guys experienced so much and obviously enjoyed yourselves! So sorry it couldn't last longer and that your car brought your back to reality too quickly! You can always just come back for an island infusion soon! Thanks!

Yolanda said...

Great photos but sad story about your return! Thanks so much for sharing so much with us!

GinaB said...

I just love visiting your blog! Beautiful places and photos; beautiful designs! Pure eye candy!!!

Mo Hernandez said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures with us! Maui looks like a magical place!

AimeeOh said...

So sorry to hear about your 1st day back! Hopefully all is well now! I adore your beautiful photos! I think it's great that you share a bit of your life and travels with us! Thanks!

Mirna said...

I absolutely love your photos! Maui looks like delicious fun! The colors in your photos are amazing! Thanks so much for sharing these!

Ginger said...

Sorry about your car but thanks for sharing your vacation with us!

Isabel Jett said...

Awesome pictures! Maui is the most beautiful place in the world, just my own opinion! Looks like you guys had a blast!

Constance said...

Quite suitable pictures, dear Mona! If I squint, turn my head sideways, eliminate the sunniness, get rid of the pretty flowers and make the sea less blue, it looks just like my home here on the eastern English coast! Blah! I'm jealous! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! Thanks for going on vacation with me :) Maui is so beautiful & that Hawaiian coffee will keep you up for hours on end! :) Hugs, Mona

Susan Mast said...

I love seeing your vacation photos and the fun things you do!!!

Mandy Gwelton said...

Great pictures! Looks like a ton-o-fun!

Handmade by Odette said...

Awesome pics of Maui, my hubby and I spent some of our best days in Maui, a few years ago, and as I can see you guys did too.

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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