Happy Memorial Day! 12

Mona Pendleton | May 25, 2009 @ 8:41 PM | , , , , ,

Happy Memorial Day!

Hi Cyber Girl Friends! :) I hope all of you had a relaxing Memorial Day! I posted the following comment elsewhere on my blog but I want to make sure all of you had the opportunity to read it. First, I want to thank you for all your support! You are all so nice! :) I guess I lost focus for a short time & got caught up in the moment of wanting to make the Top 10 in the challenges :( I apologize because my intentions with this blog was to share what I love to do with girls like all of you who are interested in my creations! I hope you all understand. :) All the comments that you girls leave and the number of followers that are interested in my creations are WAY MORE than I ever imagined! :) I admit, it would be exciting to make the Top however, the challenges jump start my creative juices! :) So sincerely, thank you all very much! :) Now for this card, I realize I am a little late with this Memorial Day card but I was busy today making 4 sets of that "Bird" gift basket for a few friends & my sister. :) I knew I did not need this card until Tuesday morning when I returned to work. :) My inspiration for making this All American Patchwork Quilt card was for one of my dearest friends, Helen. Helen is a Registered Nurse that is also my Mentor/Co-Worker/Friend. Her very first nursing assignment fresh out of Nursing School was in an Army M.A.S.H. Unit during the Vietnam War! I work in the Operating Room and Helen is our Foundation! This is a Thank You card for ALL the men & women, ESPECIALLY Helen, for serving OUR Country, putting their lives on the line for OUR Freedom! I incorporated Color Inspiration #53 found at KWERNERDESIGN.COM Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog! Please feel free to leave a comment. Be Sweet! Until next time...

Ingredients used:

Bazzill North Sea, SU Whisper White, Real Red, Summer Sun, Basic Black, DCWV The Summer Stack 2005

Ink: SU Basic Black

Stamps: SU Cute & Curly

Sizzix SU Top Note die & Curly Label Punch, EK Success 1" square punch, Making Memories Buttons, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots embossing folder, Offray ribbon, generic brads, DMC floss

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12 Sweet Comments So Far:

Dori said...

This is so wonderful! I know what you mean about the top 10. It used to consume me as well, and I used to get so disappointed, because I never get picked. Then, I realized that I was having too much fun creating and seeing everyone elses cards to worry about it anymore.

HeatherCz said...

Mona, thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings with us! You should know that as long as you are having fun with your hobby, that is what is important! You should also know that by sharing your creations with all of us via your blog your are touching so many lives. Don't worry about that top 10 stuff. Your cards are always in the top 10 in my mind! BTW, I love your MemDay card!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Thanks Girls! I have redirected myself and I am just going to continue having fun and hopefully get feedback from all of you who visit my blog. :) Hugs, Mona

Reeniemay69 said...

Great job Mona!!!
There is nothing wrong with shooting for the stars. You never know what the future holds. Just continue doing what you love to do and hold on tight for the ride...life is about the journey.. :)

Isabel Jett said...

Here, here! As you can see, we love your work so don't let those whacky company sponsored challenges get you down! You really have great talent and it is well appreciated here. Just keep having fun and we'll just keep loving it and supporting you!

MsOktober said...

It's the perfect Memorial Day card. You did a great job on it and I'm sure your support is appreciated by many. And, I bet you will make the top 10 sooner than later ~ we all will have our day at some point :)

Shana said...

I can only say wow. WOW! That card is gorgeous and so was your sentiment. You've outdone yourself.

Sue Lelli said...

I knew I loved your cards and your comments and I realized the connection when I read your blog. I used to call on OR nurses in my past life (before my son). I worked for Steris (Which was AMSCO way back then). Anyway keep on creating - your cards are AMAZING!

Kim J said...

Love the patriotic patchwork, Mona!

Stacey Pembroke said...

Really lovely, patchwork! How unique! Very well done!

Linda Beeson said...

I love your card! LOVE that paper and love how you used the colors.

Janet Strain said...

Wow what a great card for Memorial Day. It's hard to use red, white, and blue sometimes and not make it look too... show-y. But this is so nice and subdued. But very poignant. Love it!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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