Cheep Talk! 29

Mona Pendleton | May 18, 2009 @ 9:18 AM | , , ,

Cheep Talk!

Hi Girls! I survived the CRAZINESS of the TWO pre-teen & teenager pool parties this weekend! ;) Not one crumb left over from TWO dozen of cupcakes, ONE dozen of White Chocolate Macadamia Nut & ONE dozen of Chocolate Chunk cookies & EIGHT bags of various chips! :) Those kids can really eat!!! Thankfully, I have the day off from my REAL job, (the one that supports this hobby / paper addiction :), so I gathered some ingredients including sprinkles & started creating! :) My inspiration for this card comes from the Raspberry Suite Color Challenge - Week 6 that can be found at www.DAWNMCVEY.TYPEPAD.COM & from the Challenge 51 Buttons Galore than can be found at I stamped my own Designer Paper starting with a white sheet of CS, randomly stamping a bird image using VersaMagic's Sea Breeze Chalk Ink, then heat embossing with clear embossing powder. Repeating these steps with the other stamps & colors used. I love heat embossing with VersaMagic Chalk Ink because its consistancy is so thick & moist. Perfect for embossing! Please feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think of my creation! :) Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. Be Sweet! Until next time...

Ingredients used:

Paper: SU Cool Caribbean, Cameo Coral, Chocolate Chip, Whisper White

Ink: VersaMagic Sea Breeze, Jumbo Java, Pink Grapefruit Chalk Ink

Stamps: SU Cheep Talk

Sprinkles: Spellbinders Labels One, EK Success Scalloped Circle & Round punches, Offray satin ribbon, Jo-Ann Craft Essentials buttons, brads & clear embossing powder, DMC embroidery floss

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29 Sweet Comments So Far:

Kelley Eubanks said...

Very cute card! I love that stamp set. I don't own it but it is on my wish list! Thanks for visiting my blog!

Crystal (mom4cuties) said...

Very cute- great use of this adorable set for the background paper.

MsOktober said...

Wow, that is a really sweet card :)

Susan Mast said...

Adorable! Embossing that cute little bird makes all the difference. What a great finishing touch!!!

AimeeOh said...

This is, with out a doubt, the cutest card I have ever seen! Wonderful! Love the color combination. Everything is just perfect!

Belinda said...

So sweet! Love the fun bg you created!

scrappyjan said...

Hello Mona, Yes, you just save the award to your computer with the right click thingy and then do something like I did for you three person you want to send it to. HUGZZZZZZZZZ and love that CARD!! janny

Terri E. said...

Love the dsp you made. Super cute. Way to rock the color combo.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Courtney Baker said...

Oh this is so cute. I love the background paper you made!

Kerry said...

Great great great card, Mona! Just darling! Wow! You really have a nice design style! I'm so jealous! :)

Erika said...

Super cute! Love that bird!

Winter said...

Cute! Love the little birdies!

Yvonne Dalhammer said...

I want this card! It is amazing! Great job, Mona! This is one of your best or better yet, the best I've seen! Absolutely cute as can be!

Jen Johnson said...

Hey Yvonne, you can't have this card;I want it more! :) Really one of the best I've seen! When will it all stop, Mona! You are TOO good! Love it! That bird is so sweet!

BethieJ said...

Your card is DARLING! Love the birdies and flower back ground paper!!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Wow Girls! I am really happy to have so much feedback regarding my little creation!:) I really appreciate all of you taking the time not only to look but to leave a comment! Thanks! Jen & anyone else who wishes, are more than welcome to duplicate my work, I just ask that you not try to claim it as your original work!:) I would be flattered! :) Please be sure to email a picture! Hugs, Mona

Tumbleweed said...

This is by far your best ever! You need to get with Stampin'Up or perhaps one of the specialty paper designers and start selling designer paper! You did such a great job with your paper for this card! I am super impressed. I'd buy some of that paper from you!!!!

Madeline said...

Most impressive! Trés Bonne!

Constance said...

Decadently beautiful! Your blog is a pleasure to behold! Thanks for sharing your craziness with the world!

Constance said...

oops! Forgot to tell you that I love your cute little bird! I'm ordering it today!

RobinH said...

What a great card! So terrifically cute! This is your best so far! Love it!

Jen Johnson said...

Did you end up winning the challenge with this card? Please tell me you did... If not, call the FBI because a major crime has been committed! As I said before,I LOVE IT!

BetsyK said...

Holy cow! Looks like I'm not the only one loving this card! Lots of comments! People are coming out of the woodwork to sing your praises on this one! This is a winner, Mona! Be proud!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! Thanks for all the kind words but my little birds did not make it to the Top 10 Spotlight :( There is a lot of talented people out there! I am going to keep trying:) Please visit again to what I am up to next! Hugs, Mona

GerhardineF said...

Most darling card I've seen in a long time! Simply beautiful! You should have won the contest!

Chris said...

Beautiful work on this card! Love the paper you created! Very sweet!

Cindy Percovich said...

Like some others have said already, you should have won the challenge with this card. I checked out the top 10 and NOTHING comes close to your beautiful design. I stopped doing these challenges a while back because they are so biased for those that use their product line... Despite this, you should feel good about your awesome designs!!!!
-Cindy (I'm a big fan)

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! I posted this comment elsewhere, but I just wanted to make sure you all read this. Thank you for all your support! You are all so nice! :) I guess I lost focus for a short time & got caught up in the moment of wanting to make the Top 10 in the challenges :( I apologize because my intentions with this blog is to share what I love to do with you girls! I hope you all understand. :) All the comments that you girls leave and the number of followers that are interested in my creations are WAY MORE than I ever imagined! So sincerely, thank you very much!:)Hugs & Kisses xoxo Mona

Isabel Jett said...

I would so buy this card from you right now! How awesome with those little cute birdies! Best card ever! Way to go, Mona!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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