Beautiful Butterfly Card 7

Mona Pendleton | May 20, 2009 @ 6:59 AM | , , , ,

Beautiful Butterfly Card

Hi Cyber Friends! :) Thanks for ALL the support with my blog! :) After work yesterday, I had a few minutes to spare, so I stopped by my local scrapbook store and found this gorgeous Quickutz butterfly die that I could not go home without! :) I used it to make a card for this week's Color Inspiration Challenge on Kristina Werner's blog. I must confess, it was a real CHALLENGE for me this time around with the color's! Please feel free to leave a comment telling me what you think of my creation! :) Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. Be Sweet! Until next time...

Ingredients used:

Paper: Bazzill Whirlpool, SU Whisper White, So Saffron, More Mustard, Sahara Sand

Ink: SU Sahara Sand, More Mustard, VersaMark

SU Baroque Motifs, Well Worn Words

Sprinkles: Quickutz Butterfly die, EK Success Oval punch, SU oval punch, Spellbinders Labels One dies, generic white embossing powder & brads, Offray ribbon, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots embossing folder

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7 Sweet Comments So Far:

Jen Johnson said...

That is a very pretty butterfly! You used a Quickutz die rather than your trusty old Cricut? Isn't there a cartridge that has several butterfly designs on it?

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Jen, I was first a scrapbooker before I started making cards. I have been using Quickutz, Sizzix, Bosskut and Cuttlebug products for about 7 yrs now! I have recently added Spellbinders & THE Cricut.:) I also love paper punches. In my opinion, they all have something unique to offer. My paycheck is generated from a healthcare facility not Provocraft :) Hugs, Mona

Susan Mast said...

So pretty! Mona you are so good!!!

Tumbleweed said...

Really beautiul card! So elegant! Love that QK Butterfly! Your designs are so consistently beautiful!

Jen Johnson said...

Sorry, Mona, I hope I didn't offend you! I was just curious about your process. I didn't think you were on any company's payroll! It looks, to me, like you are an equal opportunity scrapper! Thanks again for sharing!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! Thanks for the kind words! My butterfly card didn't "flutter" it's way into the Top 10 for the Color Challenge :( I am going to keep trying, so please stop by again to what I am up to next!:) No worries Jen, no offense taken! :) Hugs, Mona

PaperMomma said...

Very different that most of your other stuff but very elegant and rich!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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