Darling Dots Daisy 7

Mona Pendleton | May 11, 2009 @ 5:48 PM | , , ,

Darling Dots Daisy!

Hi Girls! This is a card I made to thank my sister for dog sitting my babies over the weekend while I was out of town! :) It is also my entry for the Raspberry Suite Color Challenge - W

eek 5 that can be found at WWW.DAWNMCVEYTYPEPAD.COM Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog and browse! :) Be Sweet! Until next time...

Ingredients used:

Paper: SU Basic Grey, Pretty in Pink, Whisper White, Pink Pir ouette, Pixie Pink

Ink: SU Basic Grey, Pretty in Pink, Pink Pirouette
Pixie Pink

Stamps: SU Darling Dots, Seeing Spots

Sprinkles: Basic Grey brads, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots embossing folder, Sizzix Flower Daisies die, generic ribbon, SU Oval punch, Sizzix Sizzlit Oval die

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7 Sweet Comments So Far:

Mary Reidel said...

Cute but unfortunately, not one of my favorites from you... I still love your work!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Mary! Thanks for being honest! :) It came out much more pale than I had hoped. Hopefully you will like the next one!:)

Julie said...

I respectfully disagree with Mary's comment! I love the softness (girly-ness) of that card. I see that you posted a 2nd version. I love that one too! Great job!

Mercedes said...

Beautiful use of the flowers! I've always been interested in the use of 3's. Something very appealing about it.
This is my first time to your blog and I checked out each of your postings. ALL of them are amazing! Great job, Mona! Do you have a Art School background?

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! I ALWAYS welcome constructive criticism.:) I realize not everyone is going to like everything I make and post! That is OK!:) This blog is simply a fun way for me to share my creativity with people like all of you!:) Thanks for all your support! Hugs, Mona

Shana said...

Oooh! I like this last one alot. That's a really cute flower. It's also quite different from your usual style. I wouldn't see that one and automatically think, "Yup, that's a Mona card." I hope you had a great weekend.

Helen Watanabi said...

The second one is my favorite as well! Which one did you submit for the challenge?

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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