Just Us Girls Technique Challenge......JUGS20 45

Mona Pendleton | February 13, 2010 @ 9:03 AM | , ,

***I have 2 posts today - if you are looking for my Sketch For You To Try post - please continue to scroll down - Thanks!***

Hi Everyone! Thank you to all who played along with Just Us Girls sketch challenge hosted by Tracey. This week, for the Just Us Girls Technique Challenge, Lisa is our wonderful Hostess & chose to challenge us all with the Split Negative Technique. If you are like me & have never attempted this technique, please refer to the awesome tutorial written by Lori, that can be found at Splitcoaststampers.
Here is my Merci card:
I inked up one of the larger PTI Damask Design images with 1st Versamark, then embossed on the SU Always Artichoke cs. Washed the stamp, then inked it up with SU Always Artichoke ink, stamped the image on PTI Rustic White cs then cut both stamped images out using the Spellbinders Labels 1 die, then cut each Label right down the center to get my Split Negative.Since I had the two stamped Split Negative images, I used them both & made a set of two cards. I like the way these two cards look side by side. For the scripty background, I inked up the Judi Kins Signature Artist stamp with SU Chocolate Chip ink. One of my new favorite background stamps :)This teensy - weensy rosebud is a Prima product that I recently discovered while shopping at my local craft store. Makes for a sweet embellishment while adding just a splash of color :)

I hope you can join along with Just Us Girls this week giving the Split Negative technique a try :) For complete details, please visit the Just Us Girls challenge site & be sure to visit ALL the DT girls (found on my side bar) & Chupa to see what they have created!

Once you have your project photographed, be sure to go to Just Us Girls and post a direct link to your creation on our site. If you upload to on online gallery, please be sure to label your creation as JUGS20!
Thanks for stopping by! Be Sweet!

Ingredients Used: Stamps: PTI Damask Designs, SU Carte Postale, Judi Kins Artist Signature Paper: K&Company DP, PTI Sweet Blush, Rustic White, SU Always Artichoke Ink: Ranger Tim Holtz Vintage Photo, PTI Vintage Cream, SU Chocolate Chip Sprinkles: Spellbinders Labels 1 & Oval dies, Prima flower, EK Success border punch, Offray ribbon, Making Memories hardware, embossing powder & cord from stash

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45 Sweet Comments So Far:

Kim said...

OMG, this is just stunning! So dainty and elegant! Love those colors, stitiching, and your flowers!
Kim xXx

Iwona Palamountain (Chupa) said...

This is stunning Mona! You never cease to amaze me with you creations, I'm a big fan of your style! :)

Stephanie Kraft said...

Gorgeous, Mona! The effect is SO stunning! I love that you made a set of two!! Happy Saturday to you!!

Silke Ledlow said...

Mona your cards are gorgeous!!! Love the soft vintage colors and the Stamp Set you used!!!

Have a great weekend!!! Hugs ~S~

Heather Jensen said...

I am so lovein' this card. You know I love the shabby chic look and this is perfect! I love the colors, the aged look, the spellbinders embossed edges, and the stitching. Just LOVE it girl! :D

Lisa Kind said...

This is gorgeous! Love the artichoke...I thought it was black, but the artichoke is a great alternative color! The stamp is perfect for this technique, and I love the way they look together! Great job with the challenge, Mona!

Anne T said...


Alicia said...

Mona, this is beautiful. I love the flurish. My bedding has these on them and I just think they look so elegant. Great job on the challenge and congrats on all of your recent accomplishements.

Tracey Cuccia said...

PERFECT! Love all of the perfect finishing touches -- the rose on the bow holding the tag, the distressing - the stitching - just absolutely gorgeous :). I love your style!!

Maria Levine said...

So lovely! I love your shabby chic style, so awesome! Your details rock. Fabulous job!

Pamela_U said...

Mona, this card is so amazing and elegant! I love these colors and you really mastered this technique! Great little bow and rose with the tag; these are the little things that set you apart from the rest!

Carol Reisner said...

Now this is one stunning card! I love this weeks technique and your's is so well done! Both cards are masterpieces! Really amazing, Mona! I am always inspired by you!

Kelly said...

Gorgeous in every detail! This just screems elegance! I love that little bow and tag! Just phenomenal!

Julie Ranae said...

I almost bought those same new flowers from Prima the day. Now I think I need to! : )

Really lovely card and a very creative way to make this technique work.

Great job, my friend : )

Mary Reidel said...

Mona, you are so incredible! This is really stunning! I love the grace and elegance in this design! I can't believe you did two cards! These are just perfect! What a great inspiration for the challenge this week!

Hilary Stock said...

Very feminine and elegant card! A thing a beauty! Mona you are so good at this stuff and a new technique never bothers you! Awesome!

Brianna said...

Gorgeous! Love this technique! You are so talented!

Brenda said...

Love this beautiful card! What a stunner! I think you really can master any technique out there and mix it perfectly with your gorgeous shabby chic style!

GabrielleH said...

Mona, you are making me pick me jaw off the floor again! These cards are so gorgeous! WoW! I love this new technique and hopefully will give this challenge a try! Wish me luck!

Cecilia said...

This is one amazing, gorgeous, fabulous, unique and just plain beautiful set of cards! I love your little touches like the simple tag with bow and rose! Stunning!

Olivia R said...

Mona, these cards are astonishing! Love your colors and the fun embellishments! Great design!

Silvia said...

I love, love the Merci card. Mona this is great! I love the layout and the little details you added to your card. It is so beautiful!

Stampin' Pam said...

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - oh there I go again - drooling all over your cards - sorry - I hope I didn't ruin them. Maybe I need a bib before I visit your site? These are both STUNNING examples of split negative - no one could do it with more elegance and I love that you showed us both. I adore that tiny prima - I just discovered them also - great accent. Fantastic challenge creation Mona girl. Stay sweet *wink*

JenMarie said...

Oh wow, this is so very gorgeous!!

Mo Hernandez said...

Mona, these cards are so gorgeous! The Merci sentiment tag with the beautiful bow is fabulous! The split negative technique is amazing in your hands! Perfect inspiration for the challenge!

Liz Carnelli said...

Mona, love both of these cards! That split negative technique looks so good! Great design! Can't wait to see what your JUGS challenge players come up with? Thanks!

SusanH said...

Terrific job with this technique! So elegant! Always perfect designs!

HawaiiRenee said...

Mona, first I must say, I think you chose the perfect Damask stamp for this technique! Both cards turned out stunning! I will definitely have to give this a try. I also love you wonderful stitching as always along with that darling tag with the beautiful Prima rose! You have such a talent for putting all of this together!

LeAnne said...

Wow, this is very elegant--just beautiful!

Irene Oden said...

Mona, what a tasteful and sophisticated set of cards! My lord, I love your style!

lynn said...

this card is so wonderful and i love the little tag and rose!

Sarah Anderson said...

Mona, your cards are always so beautifully photographed, as well as being absolutely stunning in themselves. :)

BethieJ said...

BEAUTIFUL Mona!! Just BEAUTIFUL!!! I too just bought those little roses.. I LOVED them!!
Happy Valentines Day!

Brenda Holman said...

Mona, I love your version of the split negative technique! I see you made both versions! Very pretty! Great presentation as well!

Kerry said...

Wow, Mona, great job with this challenge. It is very inspiring! Your split negative stamp is gorgeous as is that darling tag! Love those Prima roses!

Mara... said...

This is really cool Mona! What a fun technique to play with this month. I love your color combo and that little flower is just the icing on the cake!!!

Our Little Inspirations said...

Your take on the split negative technique is fabulous! The image you chose is perfect for this, and I love the details! The tiny rose, the sweet sentiment tag and the ribbon - wow! This is gorgeous!!

Veronica said...

Beautiful version of the split negative technique! I love the pretty Damask design stamp you chose and it is accented so well with great color choices and adorable embellishments!

Sue Lelli said...

OMGosh! Just so many great details! Love how you used the damask stamp for your reverse negative! LOVE LOVE LOVE the rosebud! LOVE the merci! Just overall FAB! (As usual!)

Crayola58 said...

Sheesh, here I am...#39 on the roll. I hope my admiration doesn't get lost in the vast admirers. Your work is just always awesome.

Sue said...

Mona--This set of two are just beautiful. Love the colors---so elegant. You are amazing. Sue M.

Amy Sheffer said...

Incredible!! Love the way you worked this technique!!

Monica Lowe said...

This is so beautiful! Love this technique! Really gorgeous!

Helen Watanabi said...

I really like how you approached this technique! I think the stamp you chose is the best I've seen to show off this interesting technique! I love that you present both versions and they are photographed so beautifully; that is another of your many trademarks! You really rock, Mona!

1CardCreator said...

Such a beautiful card, I love the soft subtle colors, and the split negative technique looks awesome on this card. Take care, ~Diane

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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