Exciting News to share 75

Mona Pendleton | February 27, 2010 @ 7:48 AM |

***I have 3 posts today - if you are looking for my Just Us Girls post or my Sketch For You To Try post - please continue to scroll down - Thanks!***

Good Morning Everyone! I have some exciting news to share - Words can not explain how exited & honored I am to have been chosen to be a Design Team Member of the 2010-2011 Spellbinders Paper Arts DT! Someone please pinch me now!!!!

Here is the complete list of amazing papercrafters that I will be joining:

I am thrilled to introduce our 2010 – 2011 Spellbinders™ Design Team (in first name alphabetical order):

A.J. Otto
Ashley Cannon Newell
Deborah Young
Gina Hanson
Judy Hayes
Julie Overby
Kazan Clark
Kimberly Crawford
Latisha Yoast
Mona Pendleton

I have to run my step daughter off to her horsemanship lesson! I will be back later today :)

Thank you all for your support & cheering me on!

Many Big Hugs! Mona

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75 Sweet Comments So Far:

Stephanie Kraft said...

Oh, Mona, I am SO VERY HAPPY for you!!! CONGRATS!! I can't think of anyone more deserving than you!!

A Vintage Chic said...

Congratulations, Mona--that's fabulous!!! Enjoy the moment--soak it up! Can't wait to see what you create with all that wonderful stuff!

Have a terrific weekend!

Kerry said...

Congratulations Mona, you deserve it. I can't think of anyone more talented!

Michelle Breston said...

Congratulations! This is really big news! I am dying to see all the wonderful things you will create with that awesome (and big) company!

Kathryn B said...

Congratulations Mona! I knew you'd get it! Your work is amazing! So happy for ya'

Brianna said...

Great news, Mona! After following you for only a little while, I can see that it was an easy choice for Spellbinders to choose you! You are one of the most talented and creative papercrafters around! It was a no-brainer! Congratulations!

Jen Johnson said...

I knew when I woke up this morning that I'd be hearing some great news from the west!!!!!! And I did!!! Hoooooooooray! Congratulations, dear Mona! You totally 100% deserve this extreme honor! They'd be fools to let such a talent get away from them!
Do you freakin' realize how big this is? Spellbinders is totally international! One of the biggest names in the papercrafting industry and they chose you out of thousands! You are really a rockstar! Soak it all in! I'm so happy for you!

Constance said...

What fantastic news! Congratulations to a very accomplished and creative lady!

Heather Jensen said...

OMGoodness! Gongrats girl! I am sooo happy for you. You deserve it. This is awesome. I sure am jealous. Think of all the neat dies you will get to play with. Think of all the neat things I get to see you create. :D I can't wait. AWESOME!

Teri Holister said...

Wow! This is outrageously exciting news! Congratulations, Mona! I always new you would be big but Spellbinders in ginormous!!

Carly said...

Congrats Mona!!! That is so exciting! They are so lucky to have you and your amazing designs!

Nancy L. said...

Congratulations Mona!!!! Your creations deserve it!!

BethieJ said...

MONA!!! I am so HAPPY for you! You TOTALLY deserve it!!! Your work is AMAZING!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!

Mandy Gwelton said...

Mona, I'm very happy for you! This is great news! Congratulations!

Kim said...

HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to you! I'm thrilled for you and can't wait to see your awesome debut!
kim xXx

You so deserve it!!!! :-)

Mirna said...

Oh Mona, I'm so thrilled for you! What exciting news! This is big big big! Spellbinders is such an amazing company and they are everywhere! What a great opportunity for you and us because we get to see all the amazing stuff you are going to create! Congratulations!

Barbara said...

1000 congratulations to you! What an honor! You totally deserve it!

Mara... said...

HUGE congrats Mona!!!! WooooHooooo!!

Sarah Anderson said...

Yay!!! Massive CoNGRaTuLaTioNS Mona!!! This is truly deserved, you are very, very talented. I'm so glad your dream came true :) xxx

Silvia said...

Woooo hooooo, Congrats dear Mona! It doesn't surprise me at all. You are so talented and your designs are very beautiful. I am so happy for you!!!

big hugs...

Lori Kilterman said...

I am so excited for you, Mona! I think you are one of the very best and obviously Spellbinders does too! What a great accomplishment! Congratulations!

GabrielleH said...

What fantastic news! I'm very happy for you! Spellbinders is so big as you know! This is a major accomplishment! I hear that thousands apply for their DT and they only take 10. What an honor! Way to go girl!

1CardCreator said...

Congratulations Mona, I am so excited for you! What an awesome team to be a part of! You totally deserve this, I can't wait to see what you create! Take care, ~Diane

Roxanne said...

I just found your amazing blog! You are a really talented designer! Congratulations on this tremendous accomplishment! Spellbinders is one of my favorite product makers! Can't wait to see what you create with them!

Gale Evans said...

Big congratulations to you! Wow, Spellbinders is a major company! You are very deserving!

Susan Mast said...

Congrats Mona! They are so lucky to have you!

Monique said...

Congradulations to you , congradulations to you, congradulations dear Mona!!!! Congradulations to you!! How exciting for you!! You deserve it :)!!

Judy said...

Congratulations! Happy to be on the team with you! See you in April!

Yvonne Dalhammer said...

I just had to stop by today and check for good news and what do you know... You are a Spellbinders girl now!!!!! Congratulations, Mona! They are blessed to have you on their team! Great things will come of this!

Julie Ranae said...

What can I say, dear friend....

You earned it, you deserve it and it's really what you wanted!

Spellbinders will be so thankful to have you on their team...they have no idea yet....but I do!

Pammy said...

Mona, Mona, Mona! Congratulations on this amazing accomplishment! I am tickled pink for you! I know you know but I hope everybody realizes that this is beyond major, this is gigantic! Spellbinders in one of the top 10 companies in the crafting world and you are on their team. Doesn't get much bigger than that! You go girl!

Isabel Jett said...

Mona I just want to hug you! I'm so happy that you make it on the Spellbinders DT. Out of thousands of talented people, they chose the best! Congratulations!

Isabel Jett said...

I can speak english, sometimes... I meant MADE! Sorry, I'm just so excited!!!

Jamie Lane said...

Huge congrats!

Katie Cotton said...

HOLY COW GIRL! They are so very lucky to have you! Your work is amazing! Biggest congrats to you!!!!

Shana said...

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! That is so exciting. I can't wait to see more. :)

Lisa said...

Very exciting news indeed!!! Congratulations, Mona! Can't wait to see all your new creations!

Catherine Doucette said...

MONA!!! Congratulations!!!!!! You have a perfect style for them...you will be a great addition to their team :0)

Veronica said...

Super congratulations on this huge accomplishment! You are so deserving! I'm very happy for you!!!!!!!!

tina said...

Oh, wow, Mona! Congratulations! Wonderful.

Julie said...

Yippeeeeeee - I'm so pleased for you and it's such a well deserved place on the team - i cant wait to see what beautiful things you'll be creating.
Take Care - Ju xx

Annette Bowes said...

Congratulations Mona, well done you!!! Now we will be seeing more of your wonderful creations, enjoy the rest of your weekend, take careX:)

Lisa Kind said...

Congratulations! They certainly knew what they were doing when the chose you! What a great honor!

Sierra said...

Mona, what great news! OMG, Spellbinders is such a big deal! Wow! What a great opportunity for you! Congratulations 100 times over! They were smart to choose you!

Maria Levine said...

OMG MONA! That is awesome!!!! CONGRATS TO YOU GIRLIE!!!

Stampin' Pam said...

Congratulations to my stamping idol! No one deserves it more than you, Mona and although it's great news to the stampin' world it's the best news in the world to those of us who call you friend., KUDOS and big hugs while I do the happy dance for you. *xo

Gina said...

Congratulations Mona . . . looking forward to meeting you in April! :)

thescrapmaster said...

That is awesome Mona!! You totally rock!

Yolanda said...

Fabulous news, Mona!!! Congratulations! Spellbinders is amazing! This is bigger than big! Congratulations! Well deserved!

JGoedes said...

Wow! Great news, Mona and quite the reaction from your loyal followers! 49 comments! That's insane! I guess we are all so excited for you! Congratulations and this enormous opportunity! Spellbinders was smart to pick you!

Sue said...

Hey Mona--Congratulations, girl. I bet you are "over the moon" with this golden opportunity. I checked Spellbinders website, and can see why you are so excited. This is a very big deal. They picked the best, and I can't wait to see what you (and the team) add to their company. What a year ahead. HAVE FUN, FUN, FUN. Sue M.

Sharli said...

Congratulations!!! I am not surprised because you are perfect for the task! Looking forward to more inspiration!

lynn said...

so happy for you, mona! congrats!

Carol said...

Congratulations, Mona! Wow, this will put you on an even bigger stage! Your talent proves you deserve this!

Tracey said...

Wow !!!! congratulations honey - you deserve it - ENJOY XXX

Julie said...

Congratulations! All your designs are amazing!

Kimberly's Krafts said...

Congrats! Well deserved! :)

Julia Young said...

Wow, that is a major major accomplishment! Spellbinders is a big deal! You should be proud! Congratulations and keep having fun!

Beth said...

Mona, welcome to Spellbinders! Can't wait to meet and work with you!


Rhonda said...

Yea!!!! Can't wait to see what you create!!! I'm sure you will blow us away!!!

Brenda said...

Well deserved congratulations, Mona! I was so excited to hear your good news! You are super talented and everybody is taking notice!

Andrea M said...

Mona!!!!! I have been so waiting for this post!!!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are so deserving and will be an awesome Spellbinders representative as a DT member. I'm just over-the-moon excited for you! I'm so glad that your inspiring, awesome work will now be seen by even more people :) WOO HOO!!!! Cheers (raising my glass of wine to toast you :)). Congrats my friend!

Laurel said...

Congrats to you, so well deserved!

Chris said...

Amazingly big news, Mona! I'm so incredibly happy for you. You are in great company, with some really big names! I bet they are just as tickled to be working with someone as talented as you! This is going to be a great year! Congratulations!

Pamela_U said...

OMG, congratulations, Mona! It would be a dream to be on Spellbinders team and it's reality for you! I'm soooo jealous :) Wow, this is the "big time"! I can't wait to see all the neat things you will create! They are so lucky to have you!

Tatanky said...

Great news ! Congratulations....looking forward all your lovely creations for spellbinders paper arts

Terri said...

Congratulations! You will be a great addition to their team!

Carol Reisner said...

Sorry that I'm just now getting to this but CONGRATULATIONS Mona! This is really big news! What a great company to be associated with. You are going to have so much fun!

Cheryl Love said...

I just found out this news! Wow, Spellbinders is one of the biggest in the industry! Wow, I'm so impressed. You are definitely a major star! Congratulations!

Christina said...

Great news! My favorite papercrafter is designing for my favorite die maker!!! I'm in heaven! Congrats, Mona! You rock!

Jennifer Jones said...

Spellbinders!!!!? Wow! Congratulations! I love Spellbinders! Can't wait to see what you create on this elite DT!

Trudy said...

What amazing news! Congratulations, Mona! Spellbinders just made their best decision of 2010!!!!

HawaiiRenee said...

OMG, Mona, I'm just now finding out about your exciting news! OMG, OMG! Amazing! You were chosen to be on the Spellbinders DT!!!! Wow! Thousands apply for those 10 positions! You should be so proud! Way to go! Congratulations! Can't wait to see what you create.

Mary Chen said...

I just wanted to congratulate you as well on this major accomplishment! You are so perfect for Spellbinders! They probably don't even realize YET how wonderful of a choice they made! I'm extremely happy for you and can't wait to see all the sweet creations you will be making! Bravo!

Shelly said...

You seem to be a perfect fit for Spellbinders! Congratulations!

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