In print & not in print... 47

Mona Pendleton | August 12, 2010 @ 9:20 AM | , , ,

Hi There! Thanks so much for all the Well Wishes for Jerry :) When I went to his apartment to visit & drop off his get well treats, we sat down together & I shared all of the sweet comments that were left on my post wishing him well. Thanks for not only making my day but his too! He is feeling better as each day passes :)
I have a few exciting crafty "things" to share today. First up, is one of two my projects that was chosen to be printed in the Spellbinders™ New Releases 2010 Summer catalog along with other fabulous projects provided by several members of the DT. Pinch me please!!! Thank you so much Spellbinders™ for the opportunity to create with your amazing products :) As you can probably tell, I am quite excited! Here is one of my projects featured in the catalog In print: You may remember this Wonky Gift Box from my reveal of the Wonky Squares die templates during the Spellbinders™ Blog Frenzy? This box was one of two projects showcasing the new Wonky Squares, if you would like to see the other, please feel free to click HERE.
Next up, is a peek at my second project in the Spellbinders™ New Releases 2010 Summer catalog.

You will be able to see this project in it's entirety in either the catalog or wait until it is shown in the Spellbinders™ gallery :)

Back in June, I was invited to be a Guest Card Maker at the on-line magazine Scrapbook News & Review. Yippee!!! Another great opportunity - thank you Scrapbook News & Review! Along with the following 3 cards, I shared a step-by-step tutorial featuring one of my favorite ways on how to Stencil & Emboss using a Spellbinders™ die template & Impressabilities® template. If you would like to see this tutorial, you must visit the Scrapbook News & Review site.This card features a S4-171 Nested Butterflies die template along with the I2-1002 Butterflies Impressabilities® template.I love the way the edges remain white with this technique. It really accentuates the shape & makes the color "pop".

Yep, another butterfly but such a different look don't you think? The S4-123 Flying Beauties die templates are super easy to stencil & create such a wonderful, detailed look!

How can you go wrong with a Flower Bouquet?

These lil' flowers are from the S4-200 Flower Bouquet set. This set contains EIGHT different blossoms!

As you can see, there are so many different ways to use Spellbinders™ die templates & one thing that really makes Spellbinders™ die templates unique is the ability to Cut, Emboss & Stencil!

That's all I have for today! Thanks so much for looking - Be Sweet!

Supplies Used:

Spellbinders™ Nestabilities® S4-289 Wonky Squares, S4-291 Labels Fifteen, S4-294 Beaded Ovals, S4-161 Labels One, S4-190 Labels Four, S4-114 Standard Circles LG, S4-116 Standard Circles SM, S4-249 Big Scalloped Circles LG, S4-110 Classic Ovals LG, S4-112 Classic Ovals SM, Shapeabilities® S4-287 Fanciful Holiday, S4-200 Flower Bouquet, S4-123 Flying Beauties, I2-1002 Butterflies Impressabilities®, S4-242 Big Scalloped Borderabilities® Petite, W-001 The Wizard®

Stamps: Waltzingmouse Stamps: Sweethearts, Words of Wisdom, Seasons of Love - Tags, Inkadinkadoo Music Backgrounds, K&Company Butterfly image

post signature


47 Sweet Comments So Far:

A Vintage Chic said...

Everything is stunningly beautiful, Mona, as always!

Hope you're having a lovely day!


E.T said...

i am your fan. i cant choose a fav. i love everything you make :)

Marge said...

That's ALL???!!! WOW! And congrats on these many accomplishments, Mona!!!

Monique said...

Wow These are all so beautiful,,Spellbinders is so lucky to have you on their team...Wonderful job Mona :)

Ros said...

Congrats on your publications ... can't think of anyone better they could have picked! ... love your creations

Tracy said...

Congrats on all your great news Mona! Your projects are always so lovely. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Julie Ranae said...

Such beautiful work's always breathtaking!

Dawn said...

I just love your style! What beautiful creations.
Congrats on all those spectacular opportunities, you so deserve to be recognized.

Pattie said...

They are all so beautiful - I love every one of them! The shabby vintage cards are so pretty!

Monia said...

They are gorgeous!

Meredith said...

Congrats on being published!! Your cards, as always, are so beautiful! I am constantly peeking at your blog for inspiration!

Dawn said...

Congrats on being published Mona, that's a huge accomplishment! Your projects are beautiful as always ;)

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Oh my, you are keeping my eyes real busy with all these beautiful work, one after another, so precious! Congrats on being published!

GabrielleH said...

WOW! What great news, Mona! Congratulations! You projects are so beautiful; I can't believe you aren't on the cover of every craft magazine!

HeatherCz said...

You must know by now that everything you make is amazing! Congratulations! Well deserved recognition!

Papertrails by a paper lover said...

Yahoo on the SNR highlight! I will pop on over and check it out! these stenciled cards are lovely as your work is. The dies are something I placed on my to buy list. Thanks for sharing your ideas!

Heather Jensen said...

Congratulations girl! I am very happy for you and proud. :)
These are all beautiful. Soft and feminine. You can never go wrong with butterflies and flowers in my opinion.

Becky said...

Everything you do is so beautiful, Mona! Congrats on the publications! I think we'll be seeing lots more!

tina said...

Congrats on your publications, Mona! I know you will be prominent very soon. Thanks for all your very lovely inspiration. Keep it coming!!!

Mercedes said...

Big congratulations, Mona! All of these are brilliant designs! You definitely have The Gift!

Silke Ledlow said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous cards Mona!!!! Congrats on your publication...well deserved!!! You really rock the spellbinder all your ideas!!!

I'm also happy to hear that *your* Jerry is doing better :)!!! Hugs ~S~

Kat Hill said...

I think you are very prominent already! I bet Spellbinders has to pinch themselves evreyday because you are on their team! All of these designs should be in a magazine! Great job and big congratulations, Mona!

Silvia said...

I love them all!!! I am so happy your are getting the recognition you deserve. Your work is truly inspiring. The tutorial is awesome too!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful news with all of us!!

Melissa said...

All of these projects are so fabulous! Your recognition is so well deserved and you will probably be flooded with requests in the future! You really are so talented and I love visiting your blog and borrowing your ideas! Thanks and congrats!

Diane Jaquay said...

These are amazing Mona! But then I think everything you create is amazing :)

Donna said...

Your cards are gorgeous, Mona! Glad that many others will get to see them in these publications!

Barbara said...

I love hearing great news like this! Congratulations, Mona! Your designs are so special and beautiful! You should submit more for publication, more people need to experience your talent! Hugs!

Shana said...

Yay for everything! :) beautiful artwork.

Emily Keaton said...

What gorgeous projects! You are so very talented. I love all the soft colors you use. Congrats on your great news :)

Stephanie Kraft said...

Wow! These are ALL stunning, Mona! Congrats on being published.. yay!!

p.s. Hope Jerry is recovering well.. 3 wisdom teeth at one time.. ouch.

Teri Holister said...

I absolutely love all of these beautiful cards, Mona! They definitely deserve to be in publication! Congratulations!

Brenda said...

So happy for you, Mona! Congratulations! These cards are your usual incredible!

Heidi said...

Hello, everything here is stunningly beautiful! Your consistency is as incredible as are your designs! Congrats on widening your exposure! Your blog is always my first stop for the latest inspiration! Thanks so much!

sweet craf-tea chick said...

beautiful projects, mona!! i always love how you ink up your projects. so gorgeous and yummy! i especially love your last three cards...beautiful them! congratulations!! thanks for sharing and have a great friday and weekend! *hugs* steph :)

Sue Lelli said...

I'll bet you were just chomping at the bit to post these FAB projects! LOVE the Spellbinders mag posts! You always think of such creative ways to use products! LOVE the not in print cards, too! You always combine so many details and it always turns out so YUMMY!

Katie Cotton said...

these are just fantastic! I'm so so happy for you and all that is going on for you!

1CardCreator said...

Wow Mona, that is quite an honor to be published in one of Spellbinders Catalogs! They are lucky to have you on the team, I am lucky you share your creations. Your work is beautiful and I am glad Jerry is doing better. Take care. ~Diane

Pammy said...

Congratulations, Mona! I'm definitely one of your biggest fans! So glad to see you getting more recognition! Your designs are beautiful!

Stacey Pembroke said...

Lovely cards and boxes, Mona! I'm so happy to hear your good news! Congratulations! Well deserved!

Charlene said...

Simply amazing!! Ill have to get a set of those cute mini flowers :-)

Sierra said...

Wow, all of these designs are so pretty, Mona! I see why you are in such demand! Congratulations on your recent publications! I can't wait to see what you do next!

Kelly said...

Mona, everything you make is so gorgeous! I am really amazed by these latest project and am happy to see that they are published! Congratulations and thanks for so many inspiring projects!

Isabel Jett said...

Congratulations, Mona! Very exciting! Love these cards and the box! Uber talented girl!!!

ShellyM said...

Congratulations on your latest publications! I personally think that just about anything you make should be in a magazine if not on the cover! You really have talent, girl!

Suzanne C said...

Congrats on all your pubs! Beautiful and gorgeous as always. No surprise here that your projects are being showcased!

Andrea M said...

Huge congratulations Mona! So well deserved - all your creations are STUNNING!

Mirna said...

Oh my! Congratulations again and again, Mona! I'm so happy that non-webber will get to experience your fabulous designs! Everything you make should/could be in magazines! I really mean that!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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