Bonjour Everyone! 49

Mona Pendleton | May 24, 2010 @ 12:00 PM | , , ,

Here today to share a card that I made combining many of my favorite things :)

I was inspired to create this Bonjour card by the Paris themed challenge that the girls over at the City Crafter Challenge Blog have going on this week & for sketch inspiration, I used Kazan's awesome sketch from 2Sketches4You which by the way, are celebrating their 2 year Anniversary. Happy Anniversary girls! - Love your sketches - please keep'em comin' :)

To create this tag, I used: a Spellbinders™ Nestabilities Mega Oval LG die template which showcases this Waltzingmouse Bonjour sentiment: perfect for the Paris theme :)

I have been playing around with various techniques & one I am really lovin' is sponging within a Spellbinders™ die template. It's super easy & creates such a fantastic look. Thanks for looking!

If you would like to see some photos from a trip that my hubby & I took to Paris in 2005, please continue to scroll down past the supply list :) I asked once before on a previous Paris inspired card if any of you have ever been to Paris & some shared some awesome experiences with me! I'd love to hear about your adventures to or thoughts of Paris :)

Supplies Used:

Stamps: Waltzingmouse Fancy Phrases, Tattered Angels Vintage Seasons

Paper: K&Company DP, Papertrey Ink

Ink: Memento Tuxedo Black, Stampin' Up, Ranger Vintage Photo

Other: Spellbinders™ Nestabilities S5-015 Large Deckled Mega Rectangles, S5-014 Small Deckled Mega Rectangles, S5-023 Mega Ovals Large, Melissa Frances Vintage embellishment, Prima flower, ribbon & lace from stash

The Eiffel Tower at night

My hubby, Scott :)

A view of Paris from the Eiffel Tower:

An interesting view from below:

If you look closely, you can see the sign when Paris was bidding for the Olympics:

post signature


49 Sweet Comments So Far:

Arielle ~ SnappyStamper said...

Not sure which is cuter, the card or the hubby - lol! I love the ribbon & lace - and the colors are divine - gorgeous card!

Kirsty Vittetoe said...

This is lovely Mona, love everything about your card, and thanks for sharing the photo, it makes me want to hop on the next flight and visit Paris again!
Thanks for playing along with us at CCCB, love having you here!
Last but not least, Arielle is cracking everyone up today, I woke up with her funniest comment ever and now another one, I just want to LOL!

Julie Ranae said...

Really lovely card, tales of Paris come only from Paul's mouth, as he was there when he was younger. He promises that he will get me there one day....Provence MUST be the first stop, though : )

Shana said...

you should frame it and put it on the wall. beautiful

Kathy Martin said...

Wow, you did this quick...they have a great sketch this week and you ROCKED it! :)

A Vintage Chic said...

Such a beautiful card, Mona....and Paris...divine! Thanks for sharing your lovely photos!


Heather Jensen said...

Just lovely Mona! The seam binding with the pin and pretty lace is beautiful. I like the sponge technique too. I did find some of those daubers and the technique didn't work so great for me. It kept sliding around. hehe. :)

Thanks for joining us at the CCCB. :)

having a {me} day said...

Oh wow, this is just beautiful and I love your Paris pics!

Kazan Clark said...

Not Bonjour but Hello! gorgeous card :)
Love it Hon

Terre said...

Mona very beautiful, I love your vintage style.

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

What beautiful photos!! Love your card too!! The colors and textures are beautiful!

Kathryn B said...

What a beautiful card! I just love your ty dye ribbon and what fabulous photos. The one looking up the Eiffel tower is so cool. It gives one a good idea on how grand it actually is! TFS

Dawn said...

Lovely card, Mona! Love this vintage look!

Andrea M said...

Gorgeous card Mona! Fantastically soft and vintage, love the lace and the corner embellishment - you are amazing! The sponging on the label is lovely - I really like it too. The pics of Paris are spectacular! Have a great night :)

Linda Robinson said...

Mona, Your card is beautiful.. so soft and I love the Vintage feel. Love your pictures of Paris. Thanks for sharing them with us! Have a great week and thanks for playing along with us this week at CCCB!

Isabel Jett said...

Mona, this is such a beautiful vintage card! I love the french theme! All your photos are so interesting and beautiful too! I really want to visit Paris while I'm young! :)

Lisa said...

Another lovely vintage beauty, Mona! Great twist on Kazan's sketch! I love that bow and Prima rose and your little bonjour tag! Great colors too!

june lanum said...

Mona what a beautiful card you just amaze me/

Deborah Young said...

Delicious, doll! Such a sweet card. Love the photos, too! My favorite memory of Paris is my time at the Louvre...but the take-your-breath-away moment was my first glimpse of the Eiffel tower as I was traveling around in a taxi!
p.s. Did you notice the photo of Alan in front of the Eiffel Tower in the left column of my blog?

Sue a/k/a MOUSEMOM40 said...

Ooh so pretty Mona! I love the pink and the lace! Cool Paris pictures too! I'd love to go someday if I ever get over my fear of flying :o) Hugs!

Stacy said...

Fantastic card Mona ;). Hubby and I went to Paris last summer and we loved it! We took a day trip out to Versailles and LOVED IT!! Hugs~Stacy

Carly said...

Absolutely gorgeous! Love the vintage shabby chic touches and the fabulous hits of pink! My hubby and I went to Paris a few years ago too; isn't it just the most amazing city!!

tina said...

To say this card is fantastic is an understatement, Mona. Love all your fab details!

Elisa K said...

Gorgeous card. Loving all that pink.


Teri Holister said...

Love the soft graceful colors! Great vintage look to this card! I also love the stamps you used; great combination. Your France photos are gorgeous!

Yesnir said...

So beautiful, Mona! Very elegant and I love all the Eiffel tower images!

Rose said...

Wow! Your card is stunning! And, your photos of Paris are awesome! Thanks for playing at 2S4y this week! :)

sweet craf-tea chick said...

love your card! it's so delicate and beautiful. wonderful details. so awesome how you combined the two challenges! thanks for sharing :)! *hugs* steph :)

Sabrina said...

Thanks for sharing your pics of Paris. Wow! to your pink vintage loveliness.

Kim said...

Mona, this card is scrumptious, as is everything you create! I love the pinks....
Your photos are incredible, breath-taking, makes me want to jump on a plane today! Your dh is handsome, gilie!
Kim xXx

1CardCreator said...

Your cards are mini works of art and this one is no exception. Love your pics of Paris and your DH.

Jan said...

Great card! Lovin your photo's of the Eiffel Tower, too!

KathyJ (Wattle) said...

WOW!!!! This is such a romantic, elegant gorgeous!!!!! Love all the detailing you add to your work!!! *SIGH* I can only dream of visiting Paris and it looks amazing and what a fab photo of your hubby too!!! :)

Silvia said...

WOW!!! This card is super adorable. Love the Paris theme on this card, it is so elegant and chic. Thanks for sharing the photos especially the ones of the Eiffel Tower. You not only create amazing cards but also you are a great photographer...

Sue Hester said...

Amazingly lovely! Wow, Mona you never ever disappoint! Really gorgeous details everywhere! I love anything French; your photos are beautiful!

Beate said...

Visiting your blog and checking out your creations is always a treat. You always use the prettiest paper and embellishments.
I love sponging with Nestabilities as well. I have a hard time not doing that (or air brushing) when using them.
Your card looks fantastic! Vintage and romantic at the same time.
Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures!
Hugs and smiles

Davi said...

Wow Mona, this card is really fabulous. Has that wonderful vintage feel, the colors and all the details are as if you stepped back in time! What fab pics from Paris.Love that shot looking upward and of course the pic of your honey just enhances that shot of the tower! :)

Velta said...

Oh my goodness...thank you for sharing these amazing photos...your card is as vintage as it gets and I just LOVE are an inspiration and I love seeing your art work!

KathyO said...

Love this beautiful card, Mona! It should be in a vintage museum! Great job!

Annette Bowes said...

Oh Mona, gorgeous creation as always, love your flower, ribbons and embellishments, thank you for sharing the photos of Paris (never been, one day lol), just one question did it feel romantic? That is what I always imagine. Cute hubby too, take careX:)

Cindy Haffner said...


Fiona said...

Mona your cards are always so beautiful and elegant with the perfect vintage touch! The embellies you used are fabulous and your ribbon and bow are very sweet! I love Paris and your photos of that gorgeous city are magnificent! Cheers!

Rebekah said...

beautiful card! I love how you incorporated so many gorgeous elements!

Holly - Wild Wyoming Girl said...

Mona! The card is so amazing! I really love it. So awesome that you included your Paris photo's! WOW! Handsome hubby as well ;)

Courtney said...

Mona, this is another of your amazing creations! I love the soft colors on this card and your stamps, tag and bow are fabulous! Absolutely stunning design! Wow!

Suzanne C said...

Beautiful Parisian card! Love the lace, ribbon, accents that make it all perfectly Mona. :) Lovely pictures of paris too!

Heidi said...

Amazing card! I love Paris and would love to visit it again now that I have a job and can afford to enjoy it!!! Your card reminds me of old vintage french posters seen during world war II. You've seemed to capture that special ambiance!

Savannah O'Gwynn said...

Mona--this card is STUNNING! Again--another beautiful card! I LOVE IT! I lived in Germany and visited Paris--but my pics are nothing like yours. I might take yours and print them off for my scrapbook! WOW! And what a cute hubby! So fun to see pics of your family! Beautiful card:)

Norma said...

This card really is a masterpiece! I find myself saying that about every card you make so I guess you are doing something amazing! Really this is mind blowing, Mona! Vintage and fabulous!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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