A Spellbinders Contest... 4

Mona Pendleton | April 6, 2010 @ 9:40 AM |

Hi Everyone! Have you ever been interested in Guest Designing for Spellbinders? Now may be your chance! Please continue to read:

Spellbinders is excited to announce the Spellbinders International Guest Blogger Contest. Spellbinders is looking for one fabulous International Guest Blogger to appear on the Spellbinders Paper Arts Blog during the month of June! This contest is for Spellbinders Paper Arts enthusiasts currently living outside of the United States. We will select one International Guest Blogger to create four projects with instructions, for publication on the Spellbinders Paper Arts Blog.

The International Guest Blogger Contest Winner will select $100 in Spellbinders Die Templates to use in the four blog posts. These die templates will be chosen from the Spellbinders website, and excludes Limited Edition die templates, Presto Punch machine, Presto Punch templates. A link to the Contest Winners' blog will be posted on the Spellbinders Blog for one year. The Winner will receive a personalized Spellbinders Badge to post on his/her Blog. Following completion of the four posts, the International Guest Blogger will receive an additional $100 in Spellbinders Paper Arts product, from the July 2010 New Release Collection. The Winner will be among the first to receive that new product! Spellbinders will pay all shipping charges.

Spellbinders International Guest Blogger Contest Winner will complete four paper craft projects using current Spellbinders Die Templates, with instructions. Winner must post a partial image of each project with a link to the Spellbinders Blog on publication days. Dates of publication to be determined.

To enter the Spellbinders International Guest Blogger Contest, submit the following to BlogContest@spellbinders.us:

One Contest Entry Project image .jpg (no larger than 10x10” at 72dpi)
Spellbinders International Blog Contest Entry Form (form download)

The Contest Entry Project must include Spellbinders product. The entrant must have his/her own personal blog that he/she maintains and keeps current. The Contest Entry must be in English, if chosen as Winner, blog posts must be in English. Spellbinders reserves the right to edit blog posts. Spellbinders reserves the right to edit images for posting on the Spellbinders Blog. Additional specifications will be sent to the Contest Winner.

Please send questions to ContestQuestions@Spellbinders.us.

Entrants currently living in the United States, as well as employees and the immediate family members of Spellbinders Paper Arts are ineligible for entry. Anyone currently designing for a competitor of Spellbinders Paper Arts is ineligible.

Spellbinders will select one International Guest Blogger Contest Winner.

Contest is open to submissions from April 6, 2010, until 11:59 MST, April 20, 2010. The Winner will be announced on April 29, 2010, and completed blog posts with images are due by May 24, 2010.

Spellbinders Entry Form is below. Please click on the form, "save as" to your computer, fill out the information, save the completed document, then send to above email address with your contest entry.

Spellbinders is a trademark of Spellbinders Paper Arts, llc.

Good Luck! For complete details & any questions please contact: ContestQuestions@Spellbinders.us.


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4 Sweet Comments So Far:

Tatanky said...

Thanks for the info :)

MicheyMoo said...

Thanks for the awesome heads-up Mona.....I'm definitely gonna give this a whole lot of thought and might just submit an application. xx

Trudy said...

Thanks for the information! I would love to be on the Spellbinder's team even for just a month. I will have to give this a try!

Ruby said...

I will definately have to give this a try! Thanks for the information Mona. What a fab opportunity! :o)

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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