My Time Made Easy - February Release 42

Mona Pendleton | January 31, 2010 @ 9:57 PM |

Hi Everyone! I have a really Sweet Valentine Gift Set to share with you today to kick off the My Time Made Easy February Release!
I am really excited to share my first gift set with you made with the new MTME © You've Got Mail template, MTME © Argyle Amazement, © Critters With Heart & © You've Got Mail stamps & the MTME © Darling Dots digi paper.

(Note: you can rotate this image 360 degrees by doing the following... Within the photo, click and drag your mouse pointer to the left or right to spin the box! You can also use the left and right arrows on your keyboard or use the left and right arrows icons. You can also zoom in or out to get a better view of the box by using the (+) and (-) icons. Lastly, you can simply press the Play icon (circular arrow) to rotate the box automatically. Give it a try!)

Lauren has put together an AMAZING set of products that will be available for purchase IMMEDIATELY at the My Time Made Easy Store! February's release will include: 4 new © Pretty Packaging templates, 3 new © Pretty Impressions stamp sets & 5 new © Pretty Printables digital paper collections.This gorgeous mail box template makes for an extremely versatile gift box! It is super easy to assemble & fun to decorate to suit the needs of any celebration. After stamping the "with LOVE" sentiment & framing it on a multi-layered oval scallop tag, I positioned it smack dab on the front of my mail box!
I inked up the Mouse image from the © Critters With Heart set & colored her using a few Copic markers & paper pieced her heart shaped head for a bit more dimension & cute factor :) Lauren obviously had a lot of love in her heart when she designed the © Critters With Heart set!Tell me, have you ever seen a Mouse so cute?
I stamped my own DP using the © Argyle Amazement stamp set. First, I inked up one of the argyle images, stamping horizontally, connecting the images side by side then, I followed with the heart image. Such a fun stamp set!The © Darling Dots digi paper collection is out of this world! Polka dots in all my favorite colors!!! Right at my finger tips with just a click of my mouse & it prints out on my printer - day or night! Pretty cool if you ask me!
That's all I have for today! I will be back tomorrow to share another gift set featuring the new © Happy Mail template along with more samples using ALL of these new goodies! Thanks for looking - If you create anything using any MTME © products, please be sure to send me the link so I can take a peek!

Be sure to head on over to the My Time Made Easy LLC store & see for yourself how incredible this entire collection is! For more inspiration, please be sure to visit Lauren's & ALL the MTME Design Team Members blogs using all these NEW products!

Kristin Bueter
Pam Imholtz
Tracey Cuccia
Katie Cotton
Catherine Doucette
Mona Pendleton (me)

Supplies Used for BOTH template & card:

Template: MTME © You've Got Mail

Stamps: MTME © Critters With Heart & MTME © You've Got Mail

Paper: MTME © Darling Dots, Bo Bunny DP, Blushing, Dervish, Bone & Ganache cs provided by Couture Cardstock, SU Whisper White

Ink: Ranger Tim Holtz Vintage Photo, Memento Tuxedo Black, SU Real Red, Copic Markers: T3 Toner Gray, T1 Toner Gray, 0 Colorless Blender

Other: Spellbinders Scalloped Hearts & Ovals, Hearts, Ovals & Labels 5 dies, The Punch Bunch Flower punches, Cuttlebug Swiss Dots EF, Offray ribbon, EK Success border punch, Making Memories hardware, buttons & cord from stash

post signature


42 Sweet Comments So Far:

Teri Holister said...

Wow, This is spectacular! OMG! Lauren must be tickled pink! I definitely getting this template! You are so darn creative! My God!

Stampin' Pam said...

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Mona - oh sorry - had to wipe the drool off my chin - this is mojolicious girl - every little detail is so well thought out and just makes your projects sparkle and shine! Love the squealy mouse with all her hearts and the argyle stamp BG is grrrrrreat! So anxious to see what else you've come up with :-)

Katie Cotton said...

love love love love love everything once again! It seems like it is all just effortless to you! (ok, i know you put in a lot of work, i just mean everything always comes out amazing!) Fabulous!!! I LOOOOVE the card, man i gotta get my sewing machine fixed!

Christina said...

Ok this proves it; you are NOT talented! You are GIFTED! Absolutely gorgeous creation in every way! I am totally speechless! Amazing!

SusanH said...

Delicious, sweet and very creative! Christina is right, you are gifted!

Yvonne Dalhammer said...

OMG, this is so cute! I love these new items from MTME! You are really making me buy all this stuff!

Pammy said...

Mona, both of these are adorable! What a great job you've done! This is one of your very best ever, as far as I'm concerned! Mona you are my inspiration, girly!

Constance said...

Magnificent! These are amazing! I wish, dearly, that I could create as easily as you seem to! Everything you publish is a masterpiece!

Lisa Kind said...

Mona, these are amazing! I am always in awe of your talent for pulling together all these patterns, embellishments and images! Lovely!

MeredithS said...

Mona, this is spectacularly beautiful! I love that cute mouse tag and as always, your stitching adds so much character to your projects. This template is really neat! I'll be adding this one to my collection after seeing yours!

Jan Evans said...

Mona, this is such a fab project and I must say that I love how you photograph and present these amazing designs! Blow me away!

AimeeOh said...

I always enjoy seeing how you will showcase Lauren's templates! No one does it better than you!!! This is by far the best there is! Love the 360 view! So unique!

Beth said...

I love it! I want it! This template is darling and you did such a fabulous job with the design! I love your sense of style! Great presentation as well! Lauren is the luckiest in the world to have you on her DT!

Erica said...

So pretty, Mona! WOW! Love the card and love the template! Both are stunning and presented so well!

Catherine Doucette said...

Mona, the strips of paper card is sooooo pretty! I love the little mouse too :0) Beautiful as always!

Silvia said...

WOW, Mona! These are absolutely gorgeous. The card layering is beautiful and so attractive to the eye. Love all the stiching as well. You did an outstanding job with the template. I need to go and buy it right now. Thanks for the inspiration...!!!!!!

Stephanie Kraft said...

Mona, this is an absolutely AMAZING gift set!! Your creativity and incredible attention to detail is impeccable as always!!

Diane Jaquay said...

Oh my stars Mona, that mailbox is TOO CUTE!!! I love the feature you have on your blog to be able to see the item from all sides, that is AWESOME! And I love that little mouse too (and irl I'm TERRIFIED of mice!) FANTASTIC job on this gift set girlie!!!

1CardCreator said...

Oh snap! Everything above, they have said it all. I love how you make everything look so gorgeous! And I am especially lovin that argyle! Take care, ~Diane

Kathryn B said...

I knew your creations would be spectacular! Thanks for the wonderful eye candy and now I'm going shopping at MTME. LOL!

ScrappyFelicia said...

Just amazing! I love this cute template and beautiful card! They are both stunning! You have blown me away again with this design! What a treat to visit your blog!

Lauren said...

Mona, this is your best design ever! I didn't think I'd like this set so much but after seeing your take on it, I'm in love! It is just darling! Great choice of papers and layering! All the little details like the flowers and stitching add so much! I have to say it: you are my favorite designer and a run to your blog everytime Blogger notifys me that you have a new post! TFS and inspiring!

GabrielleH said...

Mona, this is truly breathtaking! I love the gorgeous paper you chose for the template and the stitching really makes it delicious! The whole project is just perfect! MTME Lauren is beaming right now!

Live Love and Scrap said...

Now that is one mouse I dont think I would scream and run from!!! Mona, I am just in awe right now...the mailbox is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!
You are truly gifted with your talents!!!

Have a blessed day,

Sue Lelli said...

Wow! I love this! And I LOVE how you staged the photo! All of the black wire heart baskets and red hearts really added to your photo. The mailbox is to die for!

Trudy said...

I don't know where to begin... Everything is just divine! Your design for the template is the best! I love the cute heart-flowers and the beautiful paper you chose! It would not be complete without your perfect designer stitching as well! You do realize that this is your trademark now. You are probably responsible for a spike in sewing machine sales, at least here in Scotland! LOL! Oh, and that cute little adorable mouse tag is just too sweet! You are really gifted, Mona! Just amazing!

Lisa said...

Wow, I check out alot of blogs and I have to tell you that yours is definitely one of the very best! All your designs are so polished and creative! This project it absolutely stunning! I love it! Because of you, I'll have to dive into the template scene!

Nancy L. said...


Mirna said...

OMG and OMG! Mona, I'm giving you two OMGs today because of this wonderful project and some good news I discovered!
First, this template and card are more than amazing! You have totally outdone yourself again! You really make these products sparkle! I love everything about them!
Second, Super duper congratulations on becoming a finalist on the Spellbinders Design Team! This is more than just big; this is gi-normous! I bet you are doing the happy dance today. I know that you will be chosen on the team; not a single doubt in my mind!

Barbara said...

Wow, I get so excited to click onto your blog and these two beauties are exactly why! You do amazing work, girl! I love that mailbox to death. I am headed over to MTME right now to pick mine up! You are so inspiring to me! Thanks so much!

lynn said...

this is so adorable, mona! love the red and brown together-beautiful work!

Yesnir said...

First, congratulations on being named as one of the 24 finalist for the Spellbinders Design Team! You are one amazing gal and I know you will be chosen. Your designs are so fresh and exciting, always. I love this template and card. Both are stunning!

Mara... said...

I'm not sure it gets ANY cuter! That mailbox template is amazing and I just love what you did with it and all the other offerings this month! Truly amazing project, Mona!!

Julie Ranae said...

YOU set the standard, girl!

You know I am one of your biggest fans...and getting the call from you re: Spellbinders was just the call I was waiting for! ; )

Mandy Gwelton said...

Wow, this is a spectacular release design! Those templates are soooooo yummy! I love how you embellished it and all the attention to detail! That stitching is so gorgeous! And of course, I love that cute mouse stamp! Beautiful work, Mona!

Kelli Burnstein said...

This is so beautiful! I think you always do a terrific job! Always inspiring!

KathyJ (Wattle) said...

WOW!!! What a fantastic project!!! You are going to ROCK on this team!!!

A Vintage Chic said...

Beautiful stuff, Mona! Just wanted to echo Julie's comment & say that your work is always just perfect & I'm sure you'll get all the wonderful things you're wishing for--you certainly deserve it!

Mary Reidel said...

Great view of the template from all sides! So cool! Mona, this is the best example of this template that I've seen (or will see). You are awesomely talented and you made this design so adorable and appealing! I am in awe of your talent! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

Lauren (mytime) said...

I adore your layering of the argyle! That looks amazine! The mouse wouldn't get ANY cuter!! Really wonderful. YOu have me wanted to post my stuff on cake pedestals and buy candy jars too :D

Christine Teros said...

So cool how you allow us to spin your gorgeous designs around and around! What a beautiful project! I love both the card and the template! That argyle DP is so interesting! MTME is really starting to release some very neat stuff! Thanks for inspiring us!

KathyO said...

Wow, this might be my new all-time Cupcake favorite! It is spectacular! I love seeing it from all sides! I've seen them all and yours is the most creative! I'm getting my own! Bravo!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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