Happy Birthday Kristin! 33

Mona Pendleton | November 2, 2009 @ 5:00 AM |

Good Morning Just Us Girls & Friends! Today is a SPECIAL DAY! It's Kristin's birthday and Just Us Girls is celebrating Kristin's BIG DAY with a Birthday Blog Hop!

If you are joining along with the hop, you should have arrived here on my blog from Maria's blog. If you have arrived here without starting at the beginning of the hop, please drop by the Just Us Girls Challenge page and start the hop there. You will be directed to each DT member's blog in order - and you'll all be able to wish Kristin a very happy birthday yourself! :)

To make Kristin's Birthday card, I used Mercy's Sketch #45, MTSC45 for sketch inspiration. While you are hopping around on the Birthday Blog Hop, be sure to stop by Mercy's site for some AMAZING inspiration!

Here's my Happy Birthday Wishes card I made for Kristin:

If you have visited the Just Us Girls site as of Saturday or here, then you know EVERY participant in this week's JUGS5 challenge will receive some Blog Candy courtesy of Kristin! Kristin has offered up her VERY OWN Exclusive Classic Lamp Post & Holiday Greetings digital stamp set! Be sure to check out this week's Challenge #5 - you will find ALL the details just below the Happy Birthday Kristin post! I would love to see what you create!

NOW - be SURE to hop over to Pam's blog and see what Pam has created with her little hands for Kristin - you're almost to Kristin's blog - be sure to wish her a Happy Birthday when you arrive! :) Thanks for stopping by! Be Sweet!

Card details: For sketch inspiration, I used Mercy's Sketch #45, MTSC45. While you are hopping around on the Birthday Blog Hop, be sure to stop by Mercy's site for some AMAZING inspiration! Ingredients Used: Stamps: SU French Script, PTI Damask Designs, Flower GardenPaper: SU Close to Cocoa, Natural's Ivory, Blush Blossom, K&Company DP Ink: SU Chocolate Chip, Ranger/Tim Holtz Antique Photo Sprinkles: EK Success punch, Offray ribbon, Sizzix tag dies, Cuttlebug EF, cord & hardware from stash

post signature


33 Sweet Comments So Far:

1CardCreator said...

Kristin will love this card! I love your card too, but especially the flower! Looks fab! Great blog hop! ~Diane

Papertrails by a paper lover said...

Wow! What a beautiful birthday card! I love how you create your flowers with such detail and the layers are wonderful!

Maria Levine said...

Very pretty Mona! Love that bloom! Great job!!

Julie said...

Hi Mona,
Thank you so much for the lovely wishes over at my blog.
I love the card you've created - I'm a big fan of your flowers!! So beautiful.
Take Care and speak soon - Ju xx

Kristin Bueter said...

MONA! I LOVE the card you made for me!! It has such a pretty Victorian look to it! Totally my style :O) You are so creative...I LOVE how you made the flower from what looks like patterned paper. Just BEAUTIFUL!! I also adore that ribbon treatment and the "happy birthday" tag. So pretty! Great job with Mercy's sketch also...I was working on that one just yesterday ;]

Thank you for making my birthday extra special!! You ladies are the absolute sweetest! I can't wait to see your beautiful card in person :]

Stephanie Kraft said...

So lovely! Your layered flower is gorgeous!

Gloria Westerman said...

So pretty!!!!!!!!!!! And I will be back to check out you goodies here.

Stampin' Pam said...

Mona Mona Mona - this is just stunning and SO Kristin! Way to work the Mercy sketch - it's a great one. I love everything about your card from the fabulous flower to the tiny tag to the vintage look (I don't do vintage very well but you rock it!). Thanks for all your help in making this happen for Kristin! I'm SURE she's loving it :-)
Hugs to you!

Mercy said...

mona...this is gorgeous! love the shabby chic look! wonderful color combo and exquisite focal flower!

thanks for playing along with my sketch for this week...you've done a wonderful job! :)


Dana Gustafson said...

Wow Mona this is a festival of stamping and all things gorgeous! WHat a breathtaking collection of girlie vintage. I can almost smell the rose :)

Courtney said...

Gorgeous B-day card for Kristin! You are so sweet and talented. I'm sure Kristin will just love to show this one off! Thanks for doing this for her!

Mo Hernandez said...

Amazingly beautiful! What a nice thing to do for your DT teammate! My God this is gorgeous!

Our Little Inspirations said...

You are the bloom goddess Mona! This is just gorgeous! I love the script on the flower! Such a beautiful card to celebrate Kristin's special day!!

Jan Evans said...

Mona, you've created another masterpiece and it's so great that this is being done for your talented team mate! You girls are so sweet and I see that sweetness in every inch of this beautiful card! That flower is magnificent!

Alison said...

Wow! What a fantastic looking card! Soft and girlie! Just perfect for your sweet friend! I love the look of your custom paper flower; it's crazy beautiful! Great job, Mona!

GinaB said...

Mona, this card is so beautiful! Great job! Can't believe how you just keep crankin' out these gorgeous cards! I think it's wonderful that you guys are doing this to celebrate Kristin's birthday! You girls are special!

Charlene said...

Very pretty Mona! I love how there are words on the paper flower, so cool!

Kerry said...

Sooooooo beautiful! You did a really great job with the Mercy sketch! The flower and the little tag are brilliant!

Sue a/k/a MOUSEMOM40 said...

LOVES it! That flower is gorgeous and I absolutely love the colors you used!

Andrea M said...

Wow, Mona - this is so soft and pretty! Just stunning. I'm sure Kristin just loves it. So nice of you all to do this for her birthday!

GabrielleH said...

Very pretty and soft card! What a nice thing to do for your teammate!

Trudy said...

Gorgeous card! I love your flower design; so elegant and feminine!

MeredithS said...

Mona, this card is such a great take on the Mercy sketch! You did such a great design job with it! And you know that Kristin will be so happy to receive it! It's gorgeous!

Kim said...

Here is another stunner! Girl, nobody does the flower or the vintage quite like you! This is incredible! Happy Birthday to Kristin!
Kim xXx
Btw, love that border punch!

Pamela_U said...

Gorgeous card, Mona! Your flowers are the best! I love your choice of colors and the nice accents throughout! Happy belated birthday Kristin!

Crayola58 said...

Oh my, Mona...what an absolutely gorgeous card. Hmmm, MY birthday is July 28th. (Grin).

Norma said...

I was so excited to see this beautiful card. I think girlie vintage is the best description! What a stunning creation!

Penny said...

I bet Kristin was floored by this magnificent card! What a great job! It's so elegant and vintagey! That flower is just gorgeous!

Christy Haverhill said...

Just too pretty for words! What a sweet thing to do for Kristin! You are wonderful!!

Cindy Percovich said...

Mona, this card is truely wonderful! I have to be the biggest fan of your flowers! They are all magnificent and this one has to be one of your best. Great design job! I'm sure this will bring a tear of joy to Kristin's eyes!

Julie Ranae said...

Better late than never, I say!

Really beautiful card for a birthday celebration...

Olga said...

Drop dead gorgeous!

JennyGerber said...

Verrrrry pretty card, Mona! Another stunning flower creation! Love it!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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