Where's My Mummy? 41

Mona Pendleton | September 19, 2009 @ 11:40 AM | , , ,

Happy Saturday Ladies! I have some last minute errands to run before my party tonight but I wanted to share my lil' Mummy card & tags with you :) I combined 3 different challenges to make this gift set: 1. For sketch inspiration: Beate's Weekend Sketch Challenge #98 2. For color inspiration: Samantha's Scrapmaster's Paradise Color Challenge #15, SPCC15 & 3. The Pile It On #15 - Color Pop, where I had to use 3 colors, 2 of which had to be black & white. Hop on over to all 3 of these sites for endless inspiration of creativity!!! Isn't he the cutest lil' Mummy you've ever seen? Be Sweet!

I made this set for Connor, my step son. He looooves plain Hershey's bars!!

This lil' Mummy stamp cost $1 at Michael's craft store! What a bargain!! I have just been lovin' the brayer technique lately! It just creates a cool effect & you can easily make your own colored textured DP!!!

I inked up the Mummy image with VersaMark ink, stamped him, them embossed with black embossing powder. To create sort of a shadow around him & make him pop off the piece of white paper, I outlined him with the Copic W3 marker & blended with the Copic 0 Colorless blender.

The pail was another bargain that I found at Michael's. It cost $1.5o! It holds a 12 ounce bag of candy bars!

Ingredients Used: Stamps: Recollections Mummy, PTI Spooky Sweet II Paper: SU Really Rust, Basic Black, Whisper White, My Mind's Eye DP Ink: VersaMark, SU Basic Black Sprinkles: Spellbinders Scalloped Rectangle nestie, Quickutz tag dies, EK Success punches, generic twine, brads & embossing powder, Cuttlebug Diamond Plate EF, Offray ribbon, Basic Grey buttons

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41 Sweet Comments So Far:

Beate said...

Mona, your card is too stinking cute! Thanks for playing!
Hugs and smiles

Julie Ranae said...

So cute! I am really loving Halloween this year...so many fun things to create! Have a great time at the party...can't wait to hear about it!

Jen Johnson said...

Another freakin' awesome amazing cute cuddley card Mona Cupcake! I love your design techniques. Always so interesting and well done! Can't wait to show this card to my little niece; she will eat this up! Thanks and good luck with your bash today!

MeredithS said...

Cute cute little mummy! I can't believe you found that for a buck at Michael's! Great find; I bet you are an awesome shopper. You sure are an awesome papercraft designer!

Deb Lewis said...

What a fun little card. That mummy is so cute and well done with the embossing. Love your work, ALWAYS!! Some of the best card designs around! Why aren't you on some major DT? What's with that?

Tammy L said...

Perfect looking gift package and card. So cute. That mummy was quite a find! Very clean lines on your card design. Eye candy!

april said...

Aw this is super cute! You are so creative!! I cant wait to see what you come up with next!

Pam Speidel said...

OMG Mona! He really IS the cutest little mummy I've ever seen! :D Which reminds me of a joke... What is a mummy's favorite music?

{RAP} :D

Susan said...

Oh, this is such a cute set! Thanks for using SPCC colors! I love the brayer technique, too.

Brenda said...

What a cute card!!! Love the mummy, thank you for playing with PIO this week.

Kim said...

You are the most creative girl I know! I so love this set! The mummy card is gorgeous and cute at the same time! That pail is rockin' cuuuuute! Connor will adore these!
Kim xXx

LindsayZ said...

Mona, great job with this design! That mummy is just the cutest! I love how he is embossed! Another winner!

Isabel Jett said...

Your little mummy is so cute; as cute as your little monsters from your prior post! Sweet little design! I love it! I always find your designs so "clean" and appealing! Another winner!

Danielle said...

Absolutely Fabulous!!! Way to go with combining the challenges!! Love this!!
SOOO Glad you joined us this week at SPCC!!

Stephanie *SP Diva* said...

Wow! This is just the cutest! You rocked this!!!! Love that mummy and the pail is absolutely wonderful! Great job and thanks for playing at SPCC!

1CardCreator said...

So cute Mona! I love how you outlined the mummy in the gray to make him look 3D. Great idea! ~Diane

stamprgrl said...

mona that is adorable....congrats on the Sprinkles award at Pile It On~

-- dalis

Donna said...

Can't believe how cute this card and basket are. You can tell that we all really love that cute little mummy! Darling and adorable!

Cindy Percovich said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Mona on your honor at Pile it On! I just knew this set would win something. One of your cutest ever! Way to go girl!

Chris said...

Great job! This card deserves this award! The PIO girls made the right choice in my humble opinion! Love it!

Traveling Mama said...

This is just so cute!! Love it!!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Hi Girls! Thanks so much for leaving sweet comments about this lil' Mummy set!!! :) He sure is a cute image! Hugs, Mona

Brenda said...

Mona, too cute for words! Can't believe that is a $1.00 mummy stamp! Unbelievable! Great job!

emily said...

this is just too cute!

Emily-SP Diva

HawaiiRenee said...

Wow! Congratulations on another honor! This card really deserves it. I love your design, especially that cure mummy! Great embossing!

Heidi said...

Wow!!! Love the staging. Adorable card!

Heidi SP Diva

Aislin said...

You are quite a talented gal! I love your execution of this marvelous design. That little mummy is beyond reason! I love him dearly! Great job with everything!

Sandra Farrell said...

This is adorable. I love that Mummy too.

PaperLover said...

A most awesome card! You really do a great job, always! Great looking little mummy!
Also, congrats on winning the PIO challenge! Well deserved!

Kelly said...

Sweet precious card! Great job with your beautifully embossed mummy! He's really cute!

Susan Mast said...

Too Cute! TFS

Maureen said...

What a totally fabulous set!! That mummy stamp is adorable and love the card and the pail! Congrats on your Sweet Sprinkles Award and thanks for playing with us at Pile It On!

HeatherCz said...

Adorable little mummy. This is another cute winning design! I love how you did the embossing. Good luck!

JGoedes said...

Too cute! Great mummy! Your embossing really makes the little man interesting! I love your work!

thescrapmaster said...

Wow, you never cease to amaze me, girl!!! This is just fantabulous!
SPCC Creator

AimeeOh said...

Your little mummy is the cutest ever! You did an amazing job with the embossing on him. He looks almost 3D! Can you say design genius?

Christy Haverhill said...

Just too freakin' cute! You just cracked the cute meter with this one! Great job, Mona! You always have the absolute best, most creative designs!

Ginger said...

The cutest thing I've seen in quite some time! How do you do it?

KathyO said...

Love this cute little mummy! Great job!

Mirna said...

Awesome little card! A $1.00 mummy stamp? Give me a break! I never find such goodies at my local store! Great job all around!

Jen Johnson said...

Congrats on this Sweet Sprinkle Award winner too!

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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