With Sympathy Card 5

Mona Pendleton | April 22, 2009 @ 3:37 PM | , , ,

With Sympathy Card

Hi Everyone! I am back to blogging and creating. I had to work a few days back to back, so I took a little break from stamping. Sadly to say, I had three co-workers lose a family member last week, so I wanted to make them a special card. This card was inspired by the Splitcoast color challenge 215 (CC215) to use Stampin' Up Going Gray, Rose Red, and Pretty in Pink / Pink Pirouette. Thanks for stopping by and looking! Be Sweet! Here is what I came up with...

Ingredients used:

Paper: SU Going Gray, Rose Red, Pretty in Pink, Whisper White

Ink: SU Going Gray, Rose Red, Pretty in Pink

Stamps: SU Carte Postale, God's Blessings

Sprinkles: Cuttlebug textile texture embossing folder, EK Success 1 3/8" Square punch, generic brads & silver embossing powder, SU silver cord

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5 Sweet Comments So Far:

HeatherCz said...

Very pretty card, Mona! Simple and elegant! I'm very sorry to hear that 3 of your friends have recently lost a loved one. They are lucky to receive such a beautiful card from a nice person like you. I hope it helps ease their loss.

Shana said...

The card is very pretty. The way it is stamped makes it look like velvet.

Mirna said...

Beautiful card, Mona! I love your stamping technique! Sorry for your friends' loss!

Tumbleweed said...

Nice design and very beautiful card. Wish it were for a more cheerful occasion but I'm sure it will brighten their day! I love the way you tie different textures together!

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Thanks girls for the kind words and for your condolences. Hugs, Mona

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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