Bitty Boo Too Halloween Card 2

Mona Pendleton | October 25, 2008 @ 8:29 PM | , , , , ,

This Halloween card is my first card posted on my new blog! I am so excited I finally got it together! Hopefully, my blog will only get better! I made this Halloween card for my co-workers and friends.
This card is made from SU Only Orange CS. The SU Lovely Lilac borders are with the Cuttlebug a2 embossing border with love. Other SU CS used was: Summer Sun, Certainly Celery, Green Galore and Elegant Eggplant.
The stamped images are from the SU Bitty Boo Too stamp set on SU Whisper White CS using VersaMagic Chalk inks and embossed with JoAnn Craft Essentials clear embossing powder. I punched the images out with a EK Success 3/4" square punch then layered each using EK Success 1" square punched CS.
I pierced around the square scalloped edges then adhered the images and squares together with 3M double sided tape. With all my pieces assembled, I then adhered them to the Heidi Grace orange striped CS. My final steps included attaching two black JoAnn Craft Essential brads and stamping the sentiment on the inside.
Hope you like it! Trick or Treat!


2 Sweet Comments So Far:

ekaterina said...

Hi: Your cards so neat, I really like them. Keep up the great work.

Mona L. Pendleton said...

Sorry it took me sooo long to respond to your post! Thank you so much for the kind words! Please keep continue browsing my blog! Thank You! Mona

Thank you so much for leaving a sweet comment!

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